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Club Sport Softball Leagues

Fun & social softball leagues for all skill levels

Softball Details

Dream of driving in the winning run or making a saving catch? Club Sport can make it happen. We offer coed & men's softball leagues for all abilities at various locations. Whether a seasoned player or a first timer, we can find a league for you. Our coed rules are tailored so everyone has a chance to get in on the action. Sign up as a full team, partial team, or as an individual and we'll find a team for you. The season includes 7 games with a single elimination tournament that everyone plays in.


  • Professional Quality Equipment
  • Paid Umpires
  • Reserved Facility Access
  • Game balls included
  • FREE League T-Shirts
  • Team Webpage
  • Prizes to the CHAMPS!

On your own? We'll help!

If you don't have a team, no problem! Depending on availability we can help find you a team. Just sign up online and guarantee your spot with a credit card. We won't charge your card unless we find a team for you! If you're not placed, no worries, you won't be charged and we'll hopefully have better luck next season. Individuals and small groups of friends not already part of a full team should note all of your friends in the "Players to be Teamed With" box during the sign-up process and we'll place you on the same team.

Sign up your team today

Form a's easy as 1, 2, 3!

Get your friends together and form a team today! Just go to the registration page, choose your league, and submit your team info. Guarantee your spot with your credit card and then request payments from your team with our Team Payer option. At the registration deadline your card will only be charged whatever balance is remaining. It's that easy!


Players of the Game

Feb 2 - Mar 25

Joseph H

Pitch, Please!

Joe just came down from Pennsylvania wanted to get more involved with sports.

Madison K

All or Nothing

Maddie is new to the team! She played great at second and and went 3 for 3 at bat!

Cory W

Raisin Bad Pitches

Walk up song would be Slayer raining blood

Darryl M

Pinch Hitters


Chris O

Backdoor Bandits

Chris went 4 for 4 with homer in the lead off helping his team to win

Morgan M

Pitch, Please! - A

A powerhouse at the plate with a 3 for 3 and made several outs

The entire team is deemed as Potg w/Steve D. As the coach

Derrick R

Unicoat Roofing

He took it over the fence, in the pocket and took it home. All around good player

Trevor D

Sage Auto Studios

He was on it in Left center to right center then was 4 for 4 wit 2 rbi's.

Stef C. Got on a couple good hits and played well.

Players of the Week

Feb 2 - Mar 25

Cory W

Raisin Bad Pitches

Corey is an amazing pitcher and big hitter! If he were to have a walk up song when batting... it would be Raining blood by Slayer!

Coach of Turn It Purple

Turn it purple - A

Brad was coming home for the run and the ball bounced off the catchers glove and popped him a good one but he refused to sit out or allow anymore than cleaning the wounds.

Adam C


He never gives in and goes the limit with his team. He sets a great example as a player and coach. Great player.

Matt S

Coleman’s Tavern

Matt S. Not only pitched a no walk game but continued pitching after being hit near his eye by the ball. He's a great sport.


Raisin Bad Pitches

Jon C is player of the week for Fruitville Park coed softball. His favorite sports team is the Jacksonville Jaguars!

Bucky with 4 for 4 and 6 RBI's

TBD player of the week

He was not to be stopped tonight with a victory Bucky contributed a great deal a 4 for 4 standing and 6 RBI's.



Preston is an all around player. He's a family man who loves his wife and children in a hard worker laying concrete. He went from zero to hometown godly hero and changed his life around for the better! Way to go Preston!


Chicken Sliders

Everybody meet Amanda F from chicken sliders at Fruitville Park. Amanda just moved down here from Pennsylvania so that way she can play ball all year round. Today she played like a beast batting twice and scoring most of the runs tonight. She is definitely forced to be reckon with!

Kat L

Coleman’s Tavern

Kat pitched a good game with no walks and she made a couple good plays.

Adam C


POTW for Soco coed softball at Fruitville Park is Adam C from the OG'S. Adam is a beat everywhere he plays but tonight he rocked as a pitcher. Today was a double header and pitched an awesome game! While not playing softball, Adam is a hard working family man! He has his own business! Adam Case Concrete! So if anyone is looking for some concrete to be poured, he's your man!

  10v10 Men's

Wednesday Men's Softball / Bee Ridge Park (Spring 2024)

  • Locations: Bee Ridge Park
  • • Day: Wednesday • Starts: Wednesday, April 2
    Deadline: Tuesday, April 1
More Info
More Info

Wednesday Night Men's Softball is a recreational division designed to create a new rec level of softball with good fun competition. This is not aimed at tournament level players. We will be using a modified USSSA rule system for pitching, balls and bats.

Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games (55 Minute games)
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• League Provided Game Balls
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

4.2, 4.9, 4.16, 4.23, 4.30, 5.7, 5.14, 5.21, 5.28

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  10v10 Coed 7m/3w

Thursday Coed Softball / ByPass Park Venice (Spring 2025)

  • Locations: ByPass Park
  • • Day: Thursday • Starts: Thursday, April 3
    Deadline: Thursday, April 3
More Info
More Info

Thursday nights will feature 6pm games moving forward. Teams may request bye weeks and game times, but may be required to play a 6pm game time from time to time. This park has lights in July & August unlike our 17th Street leagues.

1 Division of REC play. This means no tournament teams, just good competition with fun and sportsmanship ABOVE ALL. All skill levels welcome and encouraged to play.

Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• League Provided Game Balls
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

4.3, 4.10, 4.17, 4.24, 5.1

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM


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Join a "sport specific" Facebook Group

The best way to hear about the latest openings

If you don't know anyone and want to get a team together (or as a captain need a player?), hook up with other players on our Facebook group JUST FOR A SPECIFIC SPORT. We'll post specific openings, deals on leagues, and teams in need of players here.