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22 Leagues and Events
  10v10 Coed 7m/3w - Rosters up to 14 Players

Thursday Coed Softball / Bee Ridge (Fall 2024)

  • Locations: Bee Ridge Park
  • • Day: Thursday • Started: 12/12
    Deadline: 1/8
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Thursday nights will feature 6pm games moving forward. Teams may request bye weeks and game times, but may be required to play a 6pm game time from time to time.

Only 1 Division until we move back to 17th Street
Sportsmanship ABOVE ALL!

AAA (Recreational)

The differences in divisions are as follows:
The Big Show - You've got a squad of great athletes that have been playing together for a while and can compete. Winning is all you think about.
AAA - You've been playing a while, but don't want the big level competition. You're there to play, have fun with friends, but have a good game too. - Winning isn't everything, good friends and good times playing ball.
A - You haven't played in a while, can't find your glove, don't have a bat, are a company team, just moved to town, never played before but want to learn or have several people on your team that fit that description....etc. You get the idea. It's about playing and meeting people and winning isn't even on the radar.

Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• League Provided Game Balls
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

12.12, 12.19, 12.26, 1.2, 1.9, 1.16, 1.23, 1.30, 2.6, 2.13, 2.20, 2.27, 3.6, 3.13

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  7v7 Men's & Coed (4M/3F) divisions played on 21'x7' goals. On artificial turf all but eliminates rainouts! - Rosters up to 12 Players

Tuesday Coed & Men's Soccer 7v7 / Robert Taylor (Fall 2024)

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Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 12 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

12.17, 1.7, 1.14, 1.21, 1.28, 2.4, 2.11, 2.18, 2.25, 3.4, 3.11, 3.18

7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  4v4 coed (2m/2f) - Rosters up to 8 Players

Monday Coed Sand Volleyball / Bee Ridge (Winter 2025)

  • Locations: Bee Ridge Park
  • • Day: Monday • Started: 1/27
    Deadline: 1/24
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League fee includes paid staff, game balls, online scores and standings, post-game bar specials (If Bar Partner is available), seven regular season games (plus playoffs for all teams), prizes for league champions and more!

To keep costs low, this is a rec league where teams call their own fouls. Uniforms are provided.


Holiday’s We Play – Veterans Day, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Columbus Day, Valentines Day, MLK, St. Paddy’s Day, Cinco De Mayo
Holiday’s Off – Easter Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend, 4th of July, Labor Day Weekend, Thanksgiving Weekend, XMAS & NYE week

Schedule Changes – Captains can request bye weeks and game times prior to the schedule released on the team page. After release, requests will not be accepted

1.27, 2.3, 2.10, 2.17, 2.24, 3.3, 3.10, 3.17, 3.24, 3.31

6:30 PM, 7:15 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:45 PM

  Doubles Pickleball League

Tuesday Pickleball / Punta Gorda

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This is a social league for all players looking to meet fun people and have great games. You should be an intermediate player and not a beginner. We'll take a total of 24 teams You will be allowed to have a substitute player (3 player max on your team).

Games will be held at South County Regional Park on Tuesday nights from 7-9pm.

Each week, you'll play 4 timed games with different opponents. Each team signed in will have a number assigned to them and rotate after each game to play a different opponent. Show up late and you'll still get to play, but might miss out on playing all 4 games.

Game play: All matches are self-refed. The games will be scored to 11 or 12-15 mins long, whichever comes first. Games do not have to be won by 2 points. When time is up a whistle will be blown and all games not completed will end.

Questions, please email us at

3.4, 3.11, 3.18, 3.25, 4.1, 4.8, 4.15, 4.22

7:00 PM

  7v7 Coed (play 4m/3f) - Rosters up to 12 Players

Thursday Coed Soccer 7v7 / Robert Taylor (Winter 2025)

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Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 12 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

Holiday’s We Play – Veterans Day, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Columbus Day, Valentines Day, MLK, St. Paddy’s Day, Cinco De Mayo
Holiday’s Off – Easter Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend, 4th of July, Labor Day Weekend, Thanksgiving Weekend, XMAS & NYE week

Schedule Changes – Captains can request bye weeks and game times prior to the schedule released on the team page. After release, requests will not be accepted

3.13, 3.20, 3.27, 4.3, 4.10, 4.17, 4.24, 5.1, 5.8, 5.15

7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  10v10 Coed 7m/3w - Rosters up to 14 Players

Thursday Coed Softball / Bee Ridge (Spring 2025)

  • Locations: Bee Ridge Park
  • • Day: Thursday • Started: 3/13
    Deadline: 3/19
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Thursday nights will feature 6pm games moving forward. Teams may request bye weeks and game times, but may be required to play a 6pm game time from time to time.

Only 1 Division until we move back to 17th Street
Sportsmanship ABOVE ALL!

AAA (Recreational)

The differences in divisions are as follows:
The Big Show - You've got a squad of great athletes that have been playing together for a while and can compete. Winning is all you think about.
AAA - You've been playing a while, but don't want the big level competition. You're there to play, have fun with friends, but have a good game too. - Winning isn't everything, good friends and good times playing ball.
A - You haven't played in a while, can't find your glove, don't have a bat, are a company team, just moved to town, never played before but want to learn or have several people on your team that fit that description....etc. You get the idea. It's about playing and meeting people and winning isn't even on the radar.

Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• League Provided Game Balls
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

3.13, 3.20, 3.27, 4.3, 4.10, 4.17, 4.24, 5.1, 5.8, 5.15

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM


Friday Kickball Drop-In Social/ Fruitville Park

  • Locations: Fruitville Park
  • • Day: Friday • Started: 3/14
    Deadline: 3/13
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Join us for this exciting weekly kickball pickup in Sarasota! In this 2-hour open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll get a ton of playing time in a well-organized event. The Club Sport host will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• $10 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancelations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancelations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the tournament. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized tournament format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Bathrooms are available. Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult kickball group and player must be 18 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.

Email or call M-F 9:00am-5:00pm: 954-589-2180.


7:00 PM


Sunday Indoor Volleyball / State College of Florida

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Sunday Volleyball is back!

Join us for this exciting drop in weekly for a great night of organized pickup! In this 2-hour open play, teams compete are divided into teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll get a ton of playing time in a well-organized event. The Club Sport host will check players in, organize teams, and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

•$20 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancelations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancelations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the tournament. We'll start the first games on time. The event host will set up the courts, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized tournament format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.
Bathrooms are available. Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there. If you need to cancel less than 2 hours before the game time, please us at to request special consideration for a credit.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult volleyball group and player must be 18 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.

Email or call M-F 9:00am-5:00pm: 954-589-2180.


2:00 PM, 4:00 PM


Friday Kickball Drop-In Social/ Fruitville Park

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More Info

Join us for this exciting weekly kickball pickup in Sarasota! In this 2-hour open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll get a ton of playing time in a well-organized event. The Club Sport host will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• $10 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancelations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancelations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the tournament. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized tournament format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Bathrooms are available. Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult kickball group and player must be 18 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.

Email or call M-F 9:00am-5:00pm: 954-589-2180.


7:00 PM

  10v10 Coed (7m/3f) - Rosters up to 14 Players

Sunday Coed Softball / Fruitville (Spring 2025)

  • Locations: Fruitville Park
  • • Day: Sunday • Started: 3/23
    Deadline: 3/21
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Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• League Provided Game Balls
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

3.23, 3.30, 4.6, 4.13, 4.20, 4.27, 5.4, 5.11, 5.18

4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM

  7v7 Men's & Coed (4M/3F) divisions played on 21'x7' goals. On artificial turf all but eliminates rainouts! - Rosters up to 12 Players

Tuesday Coed & Men's Soccer 7v7 / Robert Taylor (Winter 2025)

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Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 12 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

3.25, 4.1, 4.8, 4.15, 4.22, 4.29, 5.6, 5.13, 5.20

7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM


Friday Kickball Drop-In Social/ Fruitville Park

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Join us for this exciting weekly kickball pickup in Sarasota! In this 2-hour open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll get a ton of playing time in a well-organized event. The Club Sport host will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• $10 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancelations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancelations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the tournament. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized tournament format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Bathrooms are available. Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult kickball group and player must be 18 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.

Email or call M-F 9:00am-5:00pm: 954-589-2180.


7:00 PM

  10v10 Men's - Rosters up to 14 Players

Wednesday Men's Softball / Bee Ridge Park (Spring 2024)

  • Locations: Bee Ridge Park
  • • Day: Wednesday • Starts: Wednesday, April 2
    Deadline: Tuesday, April 1
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Wednesday Night Men's Softball is a recreational division designed to create a new rec level of softball with good fun competition. This is not aimed at tournament level players. We will be using a modified USSSA rule system for pitching, balls and bats.

Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games (55 Minute games)
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• League Provided Game Balls
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

4.2, 4.9, 4.16, 4.23, 4.30, 5.7, 5.14, 5.21, 5.28

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  7v7 Mixed 35+

Thursday 35+ Drop In Soccer/ Robert Taylor

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We're hosting a new 35+ Mixed league drop in for men & women. There won't be a gender requirement but both men and women are encouraged to play.

All players must be 35 years old or older. Games will be held from 7-9pm on Thursday nights at Robert Taylor Park next to our leagues.

Format - 2 hour game play and a max of 18 players to maximize your playing time.


7:00 PM

  10v10 Coed 7m/3w - Rosters up to 14 Players

Thursday Coed Softball / ByPass Park Venice (Spring 2025)

  • Locations: ByPass Park
  • • Day: Thursday • Starts: Thursday, April 3
    Deadline: Thursday, April 3
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Thursday nights will feature 6pm games moving forward. Teams may request bye weeks and game times, but may be required to play a 6pm game time from time to time. This park has lights in July & August unlike our 17th Street leagues.

1 Division of REC play. This means no tournament teams, just good competition with fun and sportsmanship ABOVE ALL. All skill levels welcome and encouraged to play.

Registration Includes...

• 7 Regular Season Games
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Club Sport Team T-shirt
• League Provided Game Balls
• Paid Officials
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes up to 14 players

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

4.3, 4.10, 4.17, 4.24, 5.1

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM


Friday Kickball Drop-In Social/ Fruitville Park

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Join us for this exciting weekly kickball pickup in Sarasota! In this 2-hour open play, teams compete are divided into 2 teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll get a ton of playing time in a well-organized event. The Club Sport host will check players in, organize teams, explain rules and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

• $10 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancelations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancelations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the tournament. We'll start the first games on time. Red, yellow, green shirts are not light or dark. Think white, light gray, black, charcoal, navy blue, brown.
The event host will set up the field, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized tournament format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.

Bathrooms are available. Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult kickball group and player must be 18 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.

Email or call M-F 9:00am-5:00pm: 954-589-2180.


7:00 PM


Sunday Indoor Volleyball / State College of Florida

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Sunday Volleyball is back!

Join us for this exciting drop in weekly for a great night of organized pickup! In this 2-hour open play, teams compete are divided into teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll get a ton of playing time in a well-organized event. The Club Sport host will check players in, organize teams, and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

•$20 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancelations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancelations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the tournament. We'll start the first games on time. The event host will set up the courts, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized tournament format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.
Bathrooms are available. Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there. If you need to cancel less than 2 hours before the game time, please us at to request special consideration for a credit.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult volleyball group and player must be 18 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.

Email or call M-F 9:00am-5:00pm: 954-589-2180.


2:00 PM, 4:00 PM

  4v4 coed (2m/2f) - Rosters up to 8 Players

Monday Coed Sand Volleyball / Bee Ridge (Spring 2025)

  • Locations: Bee Ridge Park
  • • Day: Monday • Starts: Monday, April 7
    Deadline: Friday, April 4
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League fee includes paid staff, game balls, online scores and standings, post-game bar specials (If Bar Partner is available), seven regular season games (plus playoffs for all teams), prizes for league champions and more!

To keep costs low, this is a rec league where teams call their own fouls. Uniforms are provided.


Holiday’s We Play – Veterans Day, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Columbus Day, Valentines Day, MLK, St. Paddy’s Day, Cinco De Mayo
Holiday’s Off – Easter Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend, 4th of July, Labor Day Weekend, Thanksgiving Weekend, XMAS & NYE week

Schedule Changes – Captains can request bye weeks and game times prior to the schedule released on the team page. After release, requests will not be accepted

4.7, 4.14, 4.21, 4.28, 5.5, 5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2

6:30 PM, 7:15 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:45 PM

  2 Person Teams - Rosters up to 4 Players

Tuesday Cornhole / TT's Bar Punta Gorda (Winter 2025)

  • Locations: TT's Tiki Bar
  • • Day: Tuesday • Starts: Tuesday, April 8
    Deadline: Monday, April 7
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Welcome to the NEW cornhole league of 2025 at TT's Tiki Bar in Punta Gorda.

No team no problem. This is a social club, so we'll pair you up with someone else looking to play. This is a rec league and doesn't not provide cash prizes.

Registration Includes...

• 5 weeks with14 Regular Season Games ( 3-4 games a night)
• All teams Make Playoffs
• Online Schedule, Scores, and Standings
• Sponsor Bar Discounts
• Championship Prizes
• Team fee includes 2 players

Outside drinks not allowed at the bar. If you want to bring your own booze, stay home and buy a cornhole board. You don't have to drink, but this is a bar.

Important Team Roster Sizes and Policies

4.8, 4.15, 4.22

7:00 PM, 7:20 PM, 7:40 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:20 PM, 8:40 PM, 9:00 PM

  7v7 Mixed 35+

Thursday 35+ Drop In Soccer/ Robert Taylor

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We're hosting a new 35+ Mixed league drop in for men & women. There won't be a gender requirement but both men and women are encouraged to play.

All players must be 35 years old or older. Games will be held from 7-9pm on Thursday nights at Robert Taylor Park next to our leagues.

Format - 2 hour game play and a max of 18 players to maximize your playing time.


7:00 PM


Sunday Indoor Volleyball / State College of Florida

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Sunday Volleyball is back!

Join us for this exciting drop in weekly for a great night of organized pickup! In this 2-hour open play, teams compete are divided into teams. This is only open to individual registration. You may request or invite friends like a normal league.

You'll get a ton of playing time in a well-organized event. The Club Sport host will check players in, organize teams, and make sure everything is organized and fun. All you have to do is show up ready to play!

•$20 per person

Payment is required at time of registration. We do not accept walk-ups or cash on site.

Cancelations made 12 or more hours in advance will automatically receive a refund. No-shows and cancelations made within 12 hours of the start time will not receive a credit. No refunds.

What to Expect:
Show up 10-15 minutes early. We do check-in at the Field. You'll need to bring a white/light and a dark colored shirt to differentiate which team you're on. The host will explain the format for the tournament. We'll start the first games on time. The event host will set up the courts, provide game balls, and make sure teams move through the organized tournament format efficiently to get the most out of our playing time. For warm-ups, you may bring your own ball - please be sure to write your name on it in permanent marker.

Level of Play:
This event is open to all levels of play. We do our best to create teams so that games are well-matched. There are no referees, so players need to play with sportsmanship and make their own calls. We aim to make everyone feel welcome at these events.
Bathrooms are available. Please bring your own water and make sure to pick-up your trash.

Do Your Part! Help us keep an accurate guest count!
If you sign up, we're counting on you to be there. If you need to cancel less than 2 hours before the game time, please us at to request special consideration for a credit.

Requirement to play:
This is an adult volleyball group and player must be 18 or older. Males and females are welcome to play. There is no required gender ratio.

What's included in the price?
Your payment helps to cover the rental costs, the hourly pay for your event host, and ensures a well-organized event.

Email or call M-F 9:00am-5:00pm: 954-589-2180.


2:00 PM, 4:00 PM

  7v7 Mixed 35+

Thursday 35+ Drop In Soccer/ Robert Taylor

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More Info

We're hosting a new 35+ Mixed league drop in for men & women. There won't be a gender requirement but both men and women are encouraged to play.

All players must be 35 years old or older. Games will be held from 7-9pm on Thursday nights at Robert Taylor Park next to our leagues.

Format - 2 hour game play and a max of 18 players to maximize your playing time.


7:00 PM